Tyrant mansion


It was evening already, must of the family members except form the butler, maids and other workers, where gathered.

Old Haider Li, the head of the tyrant household was sitting on a magnificent chair specially decorated for him in the sitting room, while reading a news paper and enjoying his Jasmine tea that was served to him by the butler, Mr cho.

In the sitting room Haider tyrant was accompanied by his second wife mrs Brooklyn, who he married after the death of his late wife and son, his brother Mr Harold Li who was also a successful business man after he left the movie industry for his son to take over, and his wife Mrs Adelyn all lived in the same house it was a very massive mansion, with many rooms, passages, hallways. The tyrant mansion was said to be the biggest mansion in the town, though it was made large by the two sons of the Li offspring Haider Li and his brother Harold Li t, they took it upon themselves to have a powerful family as that was their late father's wish.

Granny love look I just got a call from your favorite grandson Dylan, he will be back to the country tommorow, Ryan said as he came down the steps, while missing some steps out of excitement.

Ryan was a handsome guy, who can be any woman's dream partner, just his face alone could melt any woman's heart from distant meters.

He was draped in a plain black quality Jean and an immaculate white polo, with his hair gelled and wore the latest quality Ice watch.

Damn, he was looking extremely handsome and was also popular mostly among the girls, there is no girl who doesn't know this flirt and Playboy with good looks, Ryan Li tyrant.

He took over the entertainment industry from his father and was now successful he took the business to another level after he became the CEO, and has lots of properties in his name even his own mansion.

He went to his grandma and gave her a peck on her cheek

Granny you looking so hot, tell me the secret or did you get another boyfriend to replace me, Ryan teased granny jia before giving her another peck.

He went straight to Haider and greeted him same as his father Harold who patted his shoulder for a while, he got a quick peck on the face and hug from Adelyn and Brooklyn. He considers the two couple as his parents and they all lived happily, though Ryan only comes to the family mansion to be with his parents.

seriously! Brooklyn exclaimed remembering what her son Ryan had said while descending the stairs with a cheerful face. Yes mother he said he will be back tomorrow, Ryan said. it has been a month that Dylan traveled out of the country for a business deal and personal reasons, and his family was already missing him, even though he rarely comes to the family mansion.

That's nice to hear, A lady's voice echoed she was a famous talent judge and lawyer, with her looks all men drool at her. she always had an intimidating aura which made most people that don't know her scared. Her tiny voice got the family's attention Amanda tyrant is one of the female offspring of the tyrant family Haider and Brooklyn daughter to be precise.

she said as she walked closer to were the rest of the family was and greated them. she was just twenty of age, and she is now doing well and successful.

She was the only one in the family that is very close to Dylan and most times she could make him change his decision, she liked him so much because they were best of friends and siblings during their childhood. They shared the same intimidating aura.

when she got close to Ryan her senior brother, she took the lollipop sweet she had gotten while coming back home and she forcefully put it inside Ryan's mouth as she hugged him and calling him baby, with a peck on the cheek leaving some lipstick on his cheek, and she was grinning widely.

what was that for Amanda? Ryan complained.

can't I be playful with you bro, or did your girlfriend restrict you from been with any Lady? Amanda said with a smirk, caring less of the presence of the rest of the family.

you so annoying and weird, Mom did you just see that? Amanda said while facing Brooklyn and Adeyln with a pouty face.

Awwn so cute, come here don't mind him, Mrs Brooklyn said as she spread her arms gesturing Amanda to come for a hug.

while Amanda hugged Mrs Brooklyn she grinned widely an winked at Ryan who wasn't bothered because that was how she got away from everything right from childhood.

Mr cho, Mrs Adelyn called the butler, who immediately answered. My son will be returning tomorrow and I want his best meal to be prepared so go get the food stuff used in preparation from the market, Mrs Adelyn said. They should be ready before his return do you get, Mrs Brooklyn added.

Huhu! cho my love how are you, Amanda said from nowhere while grinning widely.

Here she goes again, Ryan murmured. Am fine and Will you stop intimidating me, you know am too old for that, butler cho replied as he smiled making his dimple visible, ok dear Amanda said as she walked passed him. but before she could work pass the grand stairs to use the elevator a female voice ranged


That's another female offspring of the Li family, Adelyn and harlod tyrant daughter to be precise.

The lady whose voice just echoed was none other than Fedora. she was just months older than Amanda.

Fedora is born with slim swan neck, beautiful curves and a gorgeous complexion.

As they all turned to look towards the house entrance where the voice came from, a fashionable and average height lady on heels, sunglasses and wavy hair comes in. She is a model and also own a very famous fashion studio

Hi everyone, she said waving her hand, and she got a smile from everyone before being hugged.

_____moments later_____

I will be heading to my room, Amanda said as she passed the grand stair case and used the elevator.

The rest of the family headed to the dinning table to have dinner except Amanda, Ryan and fedora who left to their various room, and Dylan who wasn't present in the family house, their late son Bryan fell of a cliff and was rumured dead and his mother who died in a car accident same day as her son.