Hello there!
Bella here signing in to continue. Most of our rescue story was already told by Jembo. The two of us were abandoned. We don't know were we came from. My memory was a bit hazy when older sister pick us.
At that time, the two of us were sick. My brother looked like his hanging in a thread. Our aunt thought that he may not be able to pass at night. But our older sister took care of him.
He was put inside a inside the basin with a warm towel. He was shivering and had a runny nose. Older sister guard him at night to monitor his condition.
We were given antibiotics, vitamins, and a deworming to fight against Parvovirus if we had one. The deworming medicine induced us to let out worms inside our body. The deworming medicine works its wonders because by midnight we had almost let out the worms.
Now I am gonna explain the diseases and viruses we could get if we dogs don't get vaccinated.
First is Parvovirus or also known as Canine parvovirus. It is a serious and often fatal disease. Although dogs of all ages are susceptible, puppies that aren't yet fully vaccinated have the highest risk of infection.
Canine parvovirus is highly contagious and causes damage to the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and rapid fluid and protein loss. Treatment often requires hospitalization and intensive care.
The virus is highly resistant to many common disinfectants and can remain in the environment, including soil for up to one year.
This is a very deadly virus. If you notice this to your dog bring them immediately to the vet. If not taken it can kill your pet.
This virus was the one that killed Rocky. He was very lethargic and doesn't have an appetite to eat food. He was also put in a dextrose bag. But after a week he did not survive.
Next one is called Canine distemper virus which is related to the virus that causes measles in humans.
Distemper is spread through the air, by direct contact with an infected animal or by indirect contact through shared bedding or dishes. This serious disease targets the respiratory, urogenital, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems of a dog.
Infected dogs may suffer from a high fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, and watery discharge from the nose and eyes. Progressive stages of disease may include pneumonia, seizures, and paralysis.
Distemper can quickly become fatal. For dogs that do survive, the disease can cause permanent brain damage. Newborn puppies and unvaccinated dogs of any age have the highest risk of infection.
Older sister may have seen some dogs online infected with this virus. The common thing is that the puppy is shivering like crazy. The poor puppies look very pitiful.
So if some of your dogs has some symptoms bring them immediately to the veterinarian.
There is also this virus called Canine Adenovirus. There are two types of canine adenovirus or CAV.
The first one is called Canine Hepatitis or CAV-1, which is also known as infectious canine hepatitis, is the more serious of the two types.
It spreads through the urine and feces and can severely damage the liver. Even after the initial infection clears, dogs may suffer long-term, irreversible changes to the liver, kidneys, and eyes.
The second is called Kennel Cough or CAV-2
is one of the diseases commonly associated with kennel cough. The virus spreads directly from dog to dog through coughing and sneezing. Infected dogs typically experience a dry, hacking cough along with a fever and nasal discharge.
And lastly the Canine Parainfluenza like CAV-2, canine parainfluenza is another virus responsible for kennel cough. It is also transmitted in the air and can spread rapidly, especially in areas where large numbers of dogs are kept together.
Coughing, fever, and nasal discharge are the major symptoms associated with infection.
One important thing to remember is that canine parainfluenza is not related to canine influenza. The two viruses cause different diseases and require separate vaccines for protection.
So now, this are the viruses your dog can get if they are not properly vaccinated. We were injected 4x by the 5-in-1 and was injected once by the anti-rabies vaccine.
Anti-rabies vaccine is the most common vaccine injected to us dogs. This is our protection from the rabies.
Rabies is one of the deadliest diseases affecting animals, and dogs are no exception. The disease is caused by a virus secreted in saliva that attacks the nervous system, leading to death. Most cases of rabies in animals, and even humans, are a result of a bite from an infected animal.
In some rare instances, the rabies virus is transmitted when the saliva from the infected animal comes into contact with an open cut on the skin or the eyes, nose, or mouth, of an animal. As there is no cure for rabies, keeping up with regular vaccinations is essential.
After completing a round of this vaccinations, we are supposed to get vaccinated again by the following years only once.
While deworming is an essential procedure for a young puppy or a new dog being brought into a household to eliminate any internal parasites. Parasites pose a significant threat to a dog's health, and certain types can be transferred to human family members as well.
Our schedule for deworming is once every 3 months. Let me tell that I don't like to drink the medicine at all. It was in a form of white tablets. But to trick us older sister hides it inside a white bread so that we cannot notice it when we eat the bread.
But it's ok since it is for our health. I mean I get to eat a free bread you know what I mean. Hahaha.
Oh! We just celebrated our first birthday last February. Since older sister doesn't know our date of birth. She just use the day she found us as our birth date.
Our cake was a very yummy Beedigree beef flavor. The taste was very awesome. But I don't think my brother like it. Since he just chose the dry food to eat.
Like duh! Who does that?