Warning : Violence ahead

" Kill me, but I won't tell you," Abraham argued back.

" Killing you!!! Hehehe, nice joke." Raj added and then he was all set to spend the night of torture.

He then brought his most infamous toolbox. Then he placed all the tools that he needed on display, at the side table, while closing the box and placing it aside.

Then he used the most infamous Flex tape on Abraham's mouth. Abraham saw the tools on display and grit his teeth tightly. Chisels, hammers, daggers, scalpels, scissors, hooks, needles, and countless more. All of them molted in a deep red color, which made it impossible to tell whether they were rust or blood.

[ Guys little warning: Violence ahead.]

Seeing the things, it wasn't hard to imagine what could possibly happen, or how the night would pass for Abraham.

Raj remembered the way Kia got affected, last time. So, just to be more careful, he put on a pair of gloves, and muttered; " I don't like to stain my hands with blood."