A crime yet to commit

Well, that's what Valets are usually for. Not to mention, there are so many at the site, at present. Earning a sigh from Saheed. As if she is here to spend her night out in some club. For god's sake, he wonders for the nth time, just how she ended up being an agent.

But as if he gets the time to think deeply on that. Soon, the door by his side was opened by the staff and they all were led directly from the main hall to the last hall, which consists of 16 halls, 16 short ways, 18 long ways in between them.

Kia, the one with heels, feels like she might as well just climb Mt. Everest at this rate. Causing the group to slow down. After all, if Kia was walking slowly, then Saheed was following her pace. Dean and Sean followed Saheed. And the staff was following Dean and Sean. So, the process as a whole got slow.