
I followed Madam Reena's direction and found my room on the second floor.

It's a small room with a single bed attached to the wall across from the door. On the adjacent wall, there was a desk and a wooden chair.

This castle looked medieval from the outside, but electricity ran through it. My room even had plugs.

I called home and let them know we arrived safely.

I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Before I knew it, I nodded off for a few minutes and woke up to someone banging on my door.

"Who is it?"

The low volume and muffled voice that came from outside said. "I-It's Madam Reena. I brought you, your class schedule!"

I opened the door and saw the woman dressed in black standing in front of the door, all nervous. "Thank you, but you didn't have to!"

She walked in and handed over the schedule. She turned around to leave, but halted before going outside and looked back. "You know… Heroes, these days are too arrogant"

She stared right into my eyes and placed her hand on my chest in a gentle motion. "Stay true to yourself"

After that, Madam Reena turned around and left.

A woman who was not much older than me fulfilled the role of a receptionist at the Academy. She wore a black dress with a thin fabric. Her skin wasn't all that visible, but if one stared too much, it was possible to steal a glimpse.

Her long wavy crimson hair lit flames to the hearts of men, whereas her gentle, yet playful smile could topple entire countries. Instead, she was content with working behind a desk.

I could still feel her slender hand that pressed against me. It passed her warmth into my cells.

That forced a sigh to escape my mouth. For the first time, someone believed in me. That's pressure a tad too heavy for me to bear. I don't want to disappoint her.

I checked my schedule and I'm supposed to attend an Arena class in the evening.

After sleeping for a few more hours, I walked through the corridors of the castle and found myself out in the yard.

This place was in the center of the building. Trees surrounded it, and bushes that carried flowers accompanied it. An elevation of the ground would later lead to the Arena.

A round stage made of stone with a kiosk acting as a shade provider and benches around it for the audience.

Behind the trees, there was a stairwell that followed a path over the trees, where the second set of benches was behind tempered glass that could withstand many attacks. At least that is what the brochure said.

I was the first to arrive, so I took my time to loiter around and explore.

It didn't take long for the rest of the classmates to gather. Last was the bully. What surprised me, though, was the fact that the girl who sat behind me on the bus wasn't around.

She seemed like a girl who wouldn't miss a class.

I don't know her name either to ask around, but something feels off.

That guy got on my nerves when he started bossing people around.

His behavior reaffirmed my initial thoughts. No mercy for him. But since he didn't interfere with me, I won't meddle.

He was about to start something when a teacher came and put a stop to it. The teacher called out names in alphabetical order and reached a name that nobody claimed. He called for her a couple more times, but still nothing.

My blood boiled when I saw Jumbo laughing whenever the teacher called her name.

He marked something on the piece of paper he held and looked at us. "It looks like Lamina won't be joining us!"

"We'll continue. I'll call out two students and you'll fight on the Arena until one of you loses consciousness or admits defeat"

He looked at us again until something drew his attention. "First up is, Jared…"

I know that name. Oh, that guy. "I'll go"

The teacher looked at me, surprised, and nodded. The bully sneered and jumped on the Arena.

I didn't give him a chance to say anything as I looked at the teacher. "After taking part, can we dismiss ourselves?"

"Hahaha. You think you'll live that long?"

'Shut up, Ja… Eh… What was it? Janitor?"

The class chuckled. He fumed with anger. All the way here, I could see veins that popped on his forehead. The teacher looked at me and nodded.

"At the count of 3, you can begin"

I stared at the bastard in front of me for some time, while I waited for the counting. My mind focused on the black smoke that had no qualms to pour out of my body.


I opened my eyes, and he was already charging at me with his fist covered in a gigantic flame.

He punched forward, and the blaze rushed at me.

It scorched the ground where it traveled, and the heat reached my face.

It took moments for the flame to pass behind me and crash at the arena, making an enormous explosion.

Pieces of the arena flew in all directions, and smoke covered the entire half side of the arena.

"Hahaha! Serves you right, you imbecile. Learn your place!"

"Hold your tongue, Jared. I will count to 10…"

"No need sir. He's dead! Hahaha!"

I can't stand him. He annoyed me, but there's something else I need to do first. "I'm not dead yet, but I if continue listening to your annoying voice I will be"

The black smoke protected me. That flame went right through me and left me unscathed. I stared at my hands where the smoke poured out. My body felt light.


Seriously, dude? Again? He punched a few more times and destroyed more parts of the arena.

Once again, it protected me. It's not like I know what else to do with it. I haven't had the time to practice it.

After the smoke from his destructive force cleared, I could see my shadow expanding to the flames. It sucked them in. My body got warm for a moment.

I could feel the stares from my classmates. I raised my hand, and they flinched. That was fun to watch. "Excuse me, sir! I give up. Can I go now?"

Jamil shouted. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Shut up, Jasmine, and take the win!"

The teacher sighed and raised his hand. "Winner. Jasmi...! Jared!"

Oh, he blushed. Haha!

That was a swift save, sir.

I chuckled on purpose before getting off the stage. I could feel his stare that shot daggers at the back of my head.

I rushed to the castle with my skill activated. Going through walls is possible after all.

Running around like a headless chicken isn't helpful though. Right. She can help.

I changed my direction towards her. Madam Reena sat at her desk doing her work. My interruption startled her. "Madam Reena…!"


"Madam Reena, I need your help..."

She must've seen my worried face. "What do you need?"

"A female classmate is missing and I'm worried. She arrived today as well"

She listened attentively to what I said. She pondered for a while and exclaimed. "Do you remember anything about her appearance?"

That I remember. "She had these long silky black hair. I think her name is Lamina"

I turned around to leave when a thought occurred to me. "Can you make sure she's not in that prick's room? I think the teacher called him Jasmine"

She looked at me, confused. "I don't know who that is, but I'll do everything I can"

How should I contact her if I find her first? "Can we exchange numbers so we can inform one another?"

We exchanged numbers, and each went our way. I searched the second and third floors but came up empty. Madam Reena searched the first floor and the basement, but still nothing.

I called her phone once again. "Should we inform the white-haired guy?"

Her soft voice sounded anxious. ['He's the Principal of this Academy, you know. Be more respectful! And no, he's absent at the moment!']

That guy? Really? "I'll keep it in mind!"

Wait. He's absent? "Madam Reena, meet me at his office"

['His office?']

Moments later, we were both in front of the Principal's office. From inside, we could hear a muffled female voice.

I activated my skill and walked through the door. I opened the door for Madam Reena and rushed to the girl's side.

She had bruises all over and tied hands. The material used wasn't exactly a rope but something I've never seen before.

Madam Reena rushed to the girl and helped her. "Oh, poor thing. Who did this to you?"

Before she uttered a word, we heard someone approaching. "Hahaha! I'll get him next time"

That's Jasmine's voice!