
The last thing I remember is losing consciousness drowning in my blood. When I came to, I was in a bright room filled with empty beds and white sheets. Besides the fragrance of perfume, the room had a stench of disinfectant.

As soon as I opened my eyes, smiles and sighs of relief greeted me.

By my side sat Madam Reena with reddened eyes and the white-haired Principal wearing a worried face.

A couple of knockings on the infirmary door brought an end to the relaxed ambiance that covered the room.

The Principal with a stern voice answered. "Come in!"

The door slid in a steady, slow motion until it had space for a person to fit through.

"E-Excuse me…!"

From outside, a head that carried silky long black hair popped in. A familiar face came in. She looked down with teary eyes.

The others, including me, remained silent. The girl clenched her slender hands and looked up.

She locked eyes with me. Lamina found her resolve and uttered. "I'm really sorry for what my brother did. Because of me…"

Yeah, I don't really care about that. I appreciate the sentiment but it doesn't cut it. Not anymore. "If there's nothing else, you can go!"

My response startled her. Her tears streamed down her face.

She looked at the Principal.

He sighed and nudged me.

Of course, I understood what he meant. And I don't blame him. It wasn't her fault. She didn't have to apologize.

I raised my hand and signaled for her to get closer. "My eyes are still a little blurry. Sorry to trouble you!"

The girl wore a smile on her face and hurried over. "No trouble at all!"

I lost quite a few pints of blood. The doctor advised I should remain in bed for few weeks. According to him, I was lucky he missed my lung.

I won't dwell on it, but those events confirmed my initial thoughts and nothing will shake my beliefs again.

Heroes are pricks that need a lesson. I will gladly take on that role even if society viewed me as a villain, it'd be less embarrassing than being put in the same category as those bullies.

They gave me the power to affect the world. I will selfishly own it.

The Principal interrupted my internal ranting. "Apparently, this whole situation started when Lamina entered our Orion Academy. Her brother is jealous of her abilities and popularity so he hatched a plan to have her removed."

The girl lowered her head in embarrassment. She closed her eyes in sadness and listened to the white-haired Principal.

"He hired those idiots but to everyone's surprise, you meddled and saved her..."

He looked at me as if he was reprimanding me. It was like he told me not to get associated and let them do what they want. If that's how you want your students to act, you disappointed me, buddy.

"You did well, Rikeron. You went overboard, but it was a hero-worthy save!"

Ugh, I just threw up in my mouth. He called me a HERO of all things. How insulting. I forced a smile and pinched my thigh. "Sure!"

Sheesh, he nodded. "After his plan failed, he took matters into his own hands and stabbed you to take you out. He went after her soon after, but she defeated him and came to your rescue!"

So, that's how they found me. Good to know.

"But I have to ask..."

I said nothing. Instead, I looked at him and urged him to speak.

"Why didn't you react…?"

Hmm, that's an interesting question. Why didn't I react? I can play it cool and be all like; 'You told me not to fight blah blah.' But it's far-fetched and what kind of idiot would stay there and get killed. The truth, I guess, is the best way to go about it.

"It honestly shocked me that something like that happened and my body wouldn't move..."

It's true. That frail-looking guy with honest eyes shoved a blade in my ribs after he thanked me. Pretty shocking indeed?!

It looks like my response put pressure on him. He seemed deep in thought when he directed his gaze at me. "I'll place you in another building, just in case!"

He looked at the woman wearing black next to him. "Madam Reena, see that Rikeron gets the needed treatment both physically and mentally!"

Madam Reena jumped from her chair and nodded. "Y-Yes, sir!"

He then turned to the girl with the long, silky black hair. His voice carried anger and his tone a heavy pressure. "Lamina, make sure your parents fully understand what happened. Of course, your brother is, effective immediately, expelled from this Academy and banned for life!"

The girl nodded and with a soft voice uttered. "I understand!"

Once again, he looked at me with a pained expression on his face. "Get better and on behalf of everyone in the Academy, we truly apologize!"

He planted his feet one after the other with a proud posture as he walked out of the infirmary.

Madam Reena caressed my hair and showed a smile before she left.

For several hours, I would fall in and out of sleep, and each time, Lamina would be by my side. We never spoke a single word. As weird as it was, the atmosphere had a rather unique calmness that words can't describe.

It felt right. With nothing said, we both felt at ease with one another. She eventually had a smile on her face. I don't know what it was she thought about, and I didn't ask her.

I felt bad for having her sit there. It must have been uncomfortable for so many hours. "You can go if you have something to do. Thank you!"

She shook her head, and the black hair danced like floating silk threads. "I'm where I need to be."

Even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to convince her. She already decided. Having accepted that, I turned towards the window that was next to my bed. The night sky painted the world with its colors.

Comfortable silence once again took over and soothed our beating hearts. Their rhythm like a lullaby echoed in my ears as the heavy eyelids embraced my eyes.