Discovering a New Territory, Akabana!

Yae turned his sword clockwise and placed the tip to the top side. While the monster was recovering its power, Yae made the fire even bigger. As much as possible, he didn't burn the nearby plants.

The plant in the region (call it gunug feet with wet fields) is "Akabana" which means "Red Flower" and blooms in summer with its stems and leaves changing color to magenta and the stigma of this flower is shaped like a mace. However, in the mountainous areas they live in are tropical climates so, it can grow even if it is not in the summer.

As the tip of the sword facing upwards towards the 12th hour hand, Yae had concentrated on his sword to let out a larger flame, he had given the name, "Shakugan" literally translated as "The smoldering one" which is the core of the element he had, his fire eyes!!