Return Trip Continues

After I finished eating together....

In the midst of the cold snow, they continued their journey to the place they were going, namely the top of the hill / mountain range.

The gusting winds brought the cold snow grains getting stronger while in the highlands. It seems that this will be a long journey and a tough test of life for all of them....

However, they did not expect that in the midst of that journey that took about 4 hours, near the forest, he found a kind of human race....


The sound of footsteps bergemisik approached towards them.

And as the footsteps get closer, they also have to be vigilant, there may be other races around them.

But..., it's really a human race (pole). Like an ordinary human being, it's just that his skin is much paler like snow.

"...!!" as the travel chief looked at his bar panel, "Polar man? Oh, is this a new race?" he tried to communicate.