Looking for the King's Son and Wife Part 3

It continues to Elsa and Gustav who investigate the border area. In the area it was really very dark low light the building was more milip like a cave. The border area has ancient ruins that are rarely touched by someone sometimes the inhabitants of settlements in the form of polar human race also never visited the place.

"It's ruins... Reportedly according to Anko who had been to one of the ruins, there are usually monsters hiding in between rooms." Elsa tells Gustav what she knew about Anko.

"Hmm, that's it." Gustav said he responded with somewhat unsanponsive and flat expression, he didn't even show an expression of surprise, awe, or agitation. His face was gloomy as usual and like a person who was not afraid of danger at all.

"Ah~ just like your response? Hmph!" slowly this energetic girl who was nearby became somewhat cynical.