Friend From My Friend is...

"W-wait!" Yuuto still felt a bit worried, if he wasn't with Anko's friends, he wouldn't be safe. At least he wanted to take advantage of his own safety until he arrived at Nabe's house, and Venam was also his birthplace but, he couldn't remember exactly.

"What?" Mafu responded with his cold demeanor.

"Can we start the journey together…?" Yuuto asked hesitantly, "Um, this is for the sake of mutual safety too–"

"It's fine but, if you guys are our friends." Firmly Yae who became the leader of the trip.

"Then let's be friends!" while saying that, why did Yuuto feel like he had no other choice, "Can I be friends with you guys?" he asked as he stretched out his hand and said earnestly .

Actually what was on Yuuto's mind was not that he had no other choice but, because he realized that there was something unusual about the people he had just met.

The two men who had been fighting on the front line turned serious eyes at Yuuto.