
"What are you doing?"

"Why Yuuto–?"

Shortly after Anko arrived, both men arrived at the same place with annoyed faces.

"Don't come any closer, Anko!" said the cute guy who was there.

"Mafu?" muttered Anko who was still innocent.

Yes, they are both Mafu and Yae.

Then, Yae spawned black flames for sealing. It is said that this technique can only be done once and specifically for prevention. However, it will only work for the right people.

And in these tense moments....



Something strange appeared in Anko's body!

Anko herself lost consciousness for a moment and slowly the world turned white but, she was still able to stand. And, in front of him… was the figure of a cute girl with shoulder-length hair wearing a navy blue seifuku with a crimson jacket.

He was able to bend the light that Gustav emitted towards Yuuto.

"Hiyaa!!" the girl bravely pushed him away.