New Emeny?

Gustav intends to escape after making sure that Anko and Elf return safely to this sky kingdom. He felt that it was likely that the two girls did not know of the precarious situation. Besides that, if it wasn't for Karin, Gustav would most likely run away alone without waiting for anyone. As a trusted member of the Base, he also doesn't want to divide the union and he doesn't want to betray anyone.

Gustav just wanted everything to be okay. Even though he had such a selfish attitude.

*But, actually Gustav is a good person. If not, how could he move his heart to help others even though he is such a gloomy person.

Solidarity, togetherness, and mutual respect have been shared by Base members so far. Although they sometimes bicker with each other, in fact they are together.

More or less in his memory, over the past few years the time he spent with the Base members gave birth to many happy memories.