The Helpless Prince

When Yuuto was being pushed, suddenly someone came bravely to fend off the enemy's attack that had killed Nabe, then several people who came were ready to stand up like shields protecting him.

The person who had parried the attack approached the helpless prince and said, "Wake up Yuuto!!" then, he also ordered some people to help wake him up and carry him to safety. He also asked the two twins as well as a muscular man to look for Ashna's whereabouts which he felt could restore him.

Yuuto in the man's lap who helped to wake up his body tried to open his eyes which were still closed, the voice was unfamiliar but, the face was not so foreign, he thought what was in front of him this time... "Ah~ Mafu. "

However, Mafu who could already read his mind said while crossing his arms over his shoulder, "It's not me! Take a good look, Yuuto!"

"Eh?" Yuuto was surprised to hear that the voice of the person who spoke just now was really Mafu.