Hanna is a 17 years old girl. She lives with her elder sister Anna Kim in Jeju Island, South korea. She is very friendly and fearless, she has many friends at school because of her cute mischiefs and upright nature.. her 2 besties are Boem seok and Eunji kim. Beom is the most intelligent and handsome guy of Jeju City High School. Almost all the girls has a crush on him except Eunji and Hanna. That's why he feels comfortable with them. He gets chocolates everyday and he gives them to his besties. Eunji is a super introvert girl, She loves to observe things and listen to everyone's stories. In a word she is a good listener. Beside this, she loves to play piano and she won many trophies but she doesn't like to play piano for competitions. She wants to travel and stay with her homies forever...however these three ordinary teens enjoy their everyday with full of joys by staying together whole day and hanging out in the weekends,,,

2 months before Hanna's visiting the doctor...

ring ,ring,ring,,,,,An ordinary day started again.. Once again Hanna woke up from bed after stretching her hands . With a bright eye smile Hanna said "GOOD MORNING"...

"Oh baby you woke up? Let's finish the breakfast rapidly", said Anna.

"Shit! I am getting late, bye bye sis!" "Ok, bye!" said Anna. Hanna is running because she missed the bus, it's already 8'oclock.

"The gate is closing in 10 secs, 10,9,8,7...." said the teacher. Hanna is getting closer to the school gate at that moment she felt like she got hit by a stone! "can't you see?!" said Hanna with closed eyes and angrily ."Mmm I'm sorry," said a stranger.. the voice is soothing,, Hanna opened her eyes slowly ,"uh...that's our uniform" she said to herself. "Are You ok?" said the stranger.. Hanna looked at him and became nervous ,,,his eyes were blue and he was looking at her without blinking! For the first time she experienced something very strange feeling,,, her heart skipped a beat...She started thinking, "what's wrong with me? Am I dying?! WHO IS HE?!