Someone I know,,,

"Here is your Burger and coke, madam," said Jae with a blank expression.

"You can call me "Noona"(Pretty elder sister in Korean)"said a lady with a big smile.. "It's bit uncomfortable ," said Jae and started preparing next orders. That woman was flustered for a moment but then she started smiling and said, "He is so cool , totally my style!"

Hanna and all of her friends were staring at Jae because they all knew that Jae's father was rich and there was a rumor about his being idol trainee.

"I was wrong. He is working ;I totally misunderstood him. But he could have told us about it." said Beom to himself. "Maybe his being rich is just a rumor" said Yeorum. "No. That's not the case because I heard from the teacher that he is the son of the Chairman of HEX company. He is freaking rich all thanks to his dad. " said Jin with a serious expression. "Then why is he here ?" asked Yeorum. "Maybe he has done something which is really shameful and now he is hiding in this town. It's true his father is mad after money but he is crazy about his son too. Why would anyone come to Jeju leaving all those facilities? His father's properties are all his. Still he left Seoul ; why? Just use your head, fool." said Jin while laughing crazily at Yeorum.

"How do you know these things?" asked Yeorum. "My uncle works there and he also wanted me to be that rich guy's friend because his father is worried about him." answered Jin. "Hey, Lee Yeorum, Park jinhwan will you guys just zip your mouths?! It's totally disturbing! Why are you so interested about him? Don't interfere in someone else's life. "shouted Eunji. "I was just joking. Why are you making it serious?" said Beom with a wicked smile. "It was not funny at all! let's just study now. " said Hanna while turning pages of her math book. All of them became silent. Only Beom was speaking to Eunji because he was solving a math problem for her. Hanna was looking at her book but wasn't really reading anything. She was thinking about that day when she and Jae first met. She thought he was polite back then but he became rude after joining the class. Then she remembered when she saw Jae getting slapped ; she was continuously thinking about Jae. She tried to focus in her studies but then she started watching Jae unknowingly. It happens all the time. She cannot help but staring at him. For some reasons she feels like Jae needs help . Even from the first eye contact ; she understood why she was so immersed in his eyes. She feels sad for him oddly. "What are you thinking Hanna?" asked Beom. "Umm... Nothing,"said Hanna without looking at Beom. Jinhwan was making paper planes ,he didn't even read a sentence in the past 2 hours. Yeorum was looking at her books and was absent minded. Suddenly she noticed Eunji and Beom sitting together and smiling at each other.

"I Know there's nothing between them. She and Hanna are his best friends. I Know all that but it hurts when I see them together. They are lucky cause at least Beom pays attention to them," Yeorum was wondering while sighing. Hanna was again staring at Jae. Jae was working hard. Women were capturing his photos which was so uncomfortable for him but he endured them and didn't get angry at all.

Buzz....Buzz.... "Aren't you going to practice ,today? Look at the time ! " a message was sent to Eunji's phone. "Guys, I have to go". said Eunji while typing a text. "Okay, I'll drop you, today. Or else Aunt will scold you," said Beom with a worried face. "No, it's really ok. I'll manage! Bye , everyone!", said Eunji and left the cafe.

"Guys, we should reschedule our group study plans. Let's do it and help Jae." said Hanna with smile. "I can't really do that even if I want to because I have two academic classes. I'm feeling sorry for him." said Beom with a sad expression. "I can't also. I will have to study on my own too. So I really can't" ,said Yeorum. "I'm busy too. And why do we have to change it? He is not even asking for help" replied Jin with annoyed eyes. Then Jinhwan left without saying anything else. "Beom,we are going in the same direction, let's go together." said Yeorum with smiling face. "Hmmm? No we're not. Sorry." replied Beom without any expression and left the cafe quickly. "Hanna ,bye." said Yeorum without looking at her. "Ah.. Okay ,bye."

"I'll help him on my own."said Hanna.

"Jae can I talk to you… for a while?" asked Hanna after shilly shallying for a while. "No" ,replied Jae.

"Why?" Hanna asked.

"Can't you see I'm busy right now?" Said Jae and murmured ,"What's her problem?!".

"Sorry? I was just asking if I could talk to you or not. I know you are busy right now, you can just tell me to wait. I will wait until you finish your work." said Hanna and rolled her eyes. "I can't talk to you .No ,I don't wanna talk to you .So stop wasting your time here," replied Jae while making coffee. "No, I will wait." said Hanna.

2 hours passed...

"Hey girl ,do you want to sleep here? " asked an old lady and pushed Hanna a little bit. Hanna was sleeping on a table. "Ahh, Granny where is Jae, I mean the new part timer?" asked Hanna while yawning. "He left a while ago. Now you should leave too. I have to close the gates", shouted that old woman. "How can he leave me here alone? muttered Hanna and she felt kind of sad. Hanna literally ordered a couple of foods and waited for him for more than 2 hours and while working Jae didn't look at her even for a moment. Then he also left her alone and went on his way silently. Hanna wasn't really sure what exactly she wanted to talk about and she was nervous too but she became both angry and disappointed because of that incident.....She went to the convenience store and bought some lime popsicles which usually cheers her up but suddenly it started raining. And she hates getting caught in rain!

The sky was yellow-brown and a little bit hazy. The rain wasn't stopping,, she couldn't but start running faster . There is a large lake on her way to home. The sound of raindrops were so loud that no one can hear anything while crossing the bridge but the view of the lake and bridge were eye-catching. Hanna didn't notice anyone while running so she was scared a little bit . It got darker ;the sky also changed it colors and became purple and dark blue. After crossing the bridge, she saw someone was sitting on the road weirdly ;A boy who wasn't wearing his jacket and was getting drenched in the rain. She was both scared and relieved . Later she understood who he was and that boy was covering a box with his own jacket which was kept in front of him. He was Jae. He was sitting leaning on the wall behind him with closed eyes and was wearing his earphones. Hanna was curious about both him and the box. So she tried to see what was inside; she moved his jacket a little bit and was surprised. There were two white kittens and a board. "Take them if you want", this only sentence was writing on that board. Hanna loves pets ,so she was really touched by Jae's caring about those kitten. She was patting the kittens without making any sound. All of a sudden Jae hold her hands tightly without opening his eyes.

"What are you trying to do?" asked Jae while opening his eyes and removing his earphones..."Ummm....I was just patting them", said Hanna in a lower tone. Jae noticed her and quickly let her hands go. They became uneasy. Both of them remain silent for a while and were gazing at each other. The kittens were meowing.

"Maybe they are cold and hungry .What are you going to do now?" asked Hanna and patted the kittens again. The rain stopped a while ago and both of them didn't even notice. "I'm going to take them with me." said Jae and picked up the box . Then looked at her for some seconds and started walking....

"He is a nice guy. I'm sure now, I will definitely make him my friend !" said Hanna while smiling ear to ear.

thirty minutes ago,,,,,

"It's already 7'O clock. I'm going to leave now, Grandmother." said Jae while bowing. "okay, dear. Let's meet tomorrow." replied the owner of the cafe. Jae changed his cloths and noticed that Hanna was sleeping ."Why is she here till now? It's already so late." muttered Jae. "Grandmother, she paid for everything .Can you please wake her up and tell her to go home?" asked Jae . "Okay ,but Who is she? Do you know her? You even paid half of her bill." asked the owner with concern. Jae paid because he was feeling strange when he saw Hanna was waiting for him so long and felt a little guilty because he knew he won't be able to talk to her.

But Hanna thought she got a discount for ordering so many foods....

"Just someone I know." replied Jae while scratching his head.