2. Arganta Whined

Groaning in pain, Binar grabbed the arm that hit the nightstand as she jumped off the bed. "Why do I always fall when I wake up in the morning!" She grumbled as she endured the pain.

She stood up and strolled towards the bathroom to clean herself. After finishing her cleaning routine, Binar prepared to go to Bianca's house and then to the hospital to visit Belva.

Binar stepped out of the room and heard Arganta's voice whining about being allowed to climb the mountain with his father.

"Dad, please allow me?" Arganta whined at his father, who still wouldn't let him go.

Binar immediately sat on the chair, turning the plate on the table. Take two sandwiches and spread them casually with her favourite chocolate jam.

Mother, who had just arrived from the pantry not far from the dining table, handed Binar a glass of warm milk. There was a sound of laughter from the mother who saw the childish attitude of her only son.

"Mom—don't laugh, please help me seduce Daddy!" said Arganta.

Instead of helping, the mother supported the father's decision not to allow Arganta to climb the mountain because the mother is worried about the uncertain weather this month.

Arganta glanced at Binar, and he asked his sister for help. Binar shrugged her shoulders, meaning she couldn't help it. Finally, he fell silent in annoyance. No matter how hard he begged, it would not be allowed.

Binar chuckled, "Well, be a good boy this time, okay?"

Arganta gets more and more annoyed. His lips are tightly closed while he is in a cold war. Father, still annoyed with last night's incident, immediately attacked Binar with a barrage of questions.

Before answering the question posed by her father, Binar took a deep breath. She tells what she did with Bianca. However, she did not reveal what Doni did. If her father finds out all that, then she's finished.

"How is Belva doing?" Mother asked to divert the conversation so the father would not ask further.

'The best mom,' said Binar in her heart. She said she was going to the hospital to see Belva. However, before that, pick up Bianca at her house.

Father asked if there was a class schedule today. Binar shook her head. She didn't have class today, so she decided to spend more time with Belva in the hospital. She said her father wouldn't keep asking about her schedule for today.

Breakfast is over, and the father goes to the office. Arganta goes to college because today he has an exam. The mother was waiting at the house of all family members when she returned this afternoon.

"Sis—why don't you help me?" asked Arganta as Binar was about to enter her car.

"This weather isn't unfavourable for you to climb the mountain! I only have one younger brother, you! So follow mom and dad." Binar answered while closing her car door.

She saw Arganta stepping on his motorbike; he was the only sister that Binar loved.

Even though they are only one year apart in age, there was no way he would allow her sister to have fun in the uncertain weather.

Binar knew that his little brother's pleasure was climbing mountains. However, if it involved his safety, he would never allow his younger brother to leave.

She turned on the car engine, changed the gear position, and slowly stepped on the gas pedal. So the car's speed is not too fast when leaving the house.

It didn't take long for Binar to arrive at Bianca's house. She entered Bianca's yard when a security guard opened the gate. Binar stopped the car, then she got out of the car and asked the security guard about Bianca.

The security guard said that he had not seen Bianca. He also said maybe Bianca was in his room. Binar immediately entered the house and saw an old servant.

"Miss Binar, just go straight to Non-Bianca's room!" She said to Binar as she continued her work.

Binar rushed up the stairs to Bianca's room. The house was quiet because of Bianca, two maids, and a security guard.

She stopped it in a room whose door was still tightly closed. Only the music was so sad, and it was sad because the room owner was sad.

She grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened it. She sees a woman who is still lying on the bed.

Binar quickly ran and threw her body on the bed. Right next to the sleeping woman. And woke her up, and rolled her eyes.

"Are you out of your mind?! What if I have a heart attack and die instantly!" Bianca said, which instantly changed her sleeping position to a sitting place.

"Yes, I bury!" Binar responded spontaneously to Bianca's words, and then she chuckled.

Bianca immediately threw a pillow at Binar, but Binar quickly caught the pad. Nothing beats Binar's reflex of seeing something pointing her way.

"Why? You've been crying?!" asked Binar, who saw Bianca's eyes were puffy.

Bianca had no answer, making Binar understand well even though she looked stern and strict. Bianca is still a woman with a soft heart.

Binar tells Bianca to learn to forget a man who doesn't deserve to be loved. There are still many loyal men who will become partners in the future.

Heard what Binar said made Bianca's heart calm. She hugged her best friend tightly. So that makes Binar feel stuffy and almost out of breath.

"Already ... Let go of what you want to kill me with this hug of yours!?" Binar said while fanning her hands for air.

Bianca chuckled, and then she said to wait a bit because she was about to clean herself up. After cleaning herself, she prepared to go to the hospital to see Belva.

"I'm ready—let's go!" Bianca said as she asked Binar to go.

On the way to the hospital, Bianca's cell phone rings. She looked at the screen of the cell phone who was calling her. When she saw Doni's name on the screen, she ignored it. Binar knew who contacted her best friend very well, so she didn't say much.

When Binar arrived at the hospital with Bianca, she walked toward Belva's room. She stopped at an inpatient room and peeked through the small window in the room's door.

Feeling that he could enter, she opened the door to see a middle-aged woman sitting while reading a magazine.

"You guys have come?" the middle-aged woman asked with her warm smile.

The middle-aged woman was Belva's mother, seeing her daughter's best friend had arrived. The mother went to return home first and will return later in the afternoon.