8. Broken

Binar screams in the morning, shocked by what she saw. A man was sleeping beside her and shirtless.

"Noisy—don't you know I'm still sleepy!" Adnan said, then closed his eyes again to continue his sleep.

However, he opened his eyes again and remembered the naughty girl he had helped last night. Alan, who heard Binar's scream, immediately entered the room and Candra.

Adnan is aware that Binar is currently not wearing a piece of clothing. He immediately covered Binar's body with a blanket because he did not want Binar's body to be seen clearly by Alan and Candra.

He stood up and walked casually to the bathroom. Adnan told Candra to prepare clean clothes for Binar. And told Alan to get out of his room.

"Hey Uncle—what have you done to me?!" shouted Binar.

Alan, who heard his friend being called uncle, immediately chuckled. Adnan looked at Alan with a very sharp gaze like an eagle locking its prey.

Even though Alan tried not to laugh, Binar constantly called him uncle. So, Alan and Candra burst out laughing.

"Stop your laughing—otherwise, I'll send you off to Africa to help support the company there!" Adnan said coldly.

Suddenly, there was a ringing sound from Binar's cellphone, which Candra held. Binar asked for her cellphone back, and Candra handed him her cellphone.

Binar picked up her cellphone. Her father's voice asked how she was doing. There were also the mother's sobs and Arganta's voice asking how she was.

She didn't want to make her family sad and said she was okay. And she'll be right back home. Father said if currently on his way to pick her up.

After saying everything, father hung up his phone, and Binar could only be silent. She didn't know what to say. Because she has been very disappointing both her father and mother, that is not protecting her honour as a woman.

Candra knew what he had to do, so he prepared the clothes that Adnan ordered. Meanwhile, Alan chose to wait outside while drinking the waiter's coffee.

Binar's tears fell. She didn't know what else to say to her parents. Adnan, who saw Binar crying, immediately walked over to her.

"Why are you crying?" Adnan asked quietly.

Binar, annoyed with what had happened, immediately threw her punch. However, Adnan's defence was good enough that he was able to dodge and hold Binar's hand.

"You perverted Uncle—you've ruined what I've been protecting all along!" shrieked Binar, then she vented her emotions by crying.

Adnan let go of Binar's hand and walked away from him. He entered the bathroom to clean himself. When he finished, he came out and still saw the sad Binar.

"Clean yourself up—your family will be here soon!" Adnan orders Binar.

Binar walked with the blanket wrapped around her body to enter the bathroom without saying a word. She cleaned herself. Visible on her body, there were traces left by Adnan.

"This body is dirty!" muttered Binar as she took the liquid soap and washed her body for a long time.

Even though she used a lot of soap, she still couldn't erase all the traces left by Adnan. 'You perverted uncle—I won't forgive him! I will repay you until the end!' She thought.

When she finished her cleaning routine, Binar walked out to look around the room. No uncle made him so angry and upset. She saw a dress that was on the bed.

After Adnan entered the room, she quickly put it on and said that her parents were already downstairs.

Binar was happy and then walked quickly to meet her father and mother. However, her steps stopped when she remembered that she was already dirty.

"Hurry up! Don't you want to go home? Or do you want to live with me in this house?!" Adnan said in a seductive tone to Binar.

"Uncle flirty!" Binar said curtly and then walked towards her parents.

In the hospital, a heart-wrenching scream came from a room. Yes. How not heartbreaking if a girl has been fucked without permission by a man she hates so much.

She is Belva, who is very devastated because of Doni's actions. How many times had she tried to end Belva's life? She felt that she was dirty and had no right to live anymore.

Her mother tried to calm her down to no avail. Only the mother's tears saw her beloved daughter's condition.

She didn't expect something so painful to happen. Belva is the only daughter she has and only lives with her daughter after her husband's departure forever.

"Stop this, honey—are you willing to leave your mother here?" Mother said as she hugged him tightly.

"I'm dirty, Mom—what else am I here for?" Belva answered while crying.

Mother again said nothing is dirty if it's not what she wants. And the mother said she didn't teach her daughter to give up in every situation, even though it was difficult.

Life can't always go the way we want. Every trial that hits, we must live and enjoy it sincerely.

"You still have me as your mother—so I hope you can be strong! Strong for yourself and me." Mother said softly in a tone to encourage her daughter.

Bianca arrived at the hospital and saw her best friend sitting pensively. She approached slowly, her tears not feeling dripping and running down her cheeks.

"Va..." Bianca called to Belva, who was sitting on the hospital bed.

Belva didn't hear Bianca's call, her body was here, but her mind was elsewhere. A mother who saw Bianca arrive could not say anything then she asked Bianca to look after Belva for a while because she was going to see the doctor.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault! If only I didn't embarrass Doni. Maybe none of this would have happened!" Bianca said with tears in her eyes on Belva's lap.

Belva was silent, she ignored every word that came out of Bianca's mouth, but her tears flowed. She could not contain the turmoil in her heart. Feelings of disappointment and destruction were eating away at her.

Bianca kept crying and flapping herself over everything that had happened. She was so upset, and her feelings of guilt were so great that she said things beyond her limits.

"Va, if I did wrong to you—punish me! I deserve to be punished. Maybe I deserve not to!" said Bianca.

"Ca, if you died just because you felt guilty for me—would everything go back to how it was? No, right? All this has happened. Now all I have to do is get up for my mother and myself! So do you want always to be my best friend? ?" Belva said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

In her heart, he wanted to stop the tears from coming out. However, it can't. Forced the tears out until they rolled down her white cheeks. 

"I will always be there for you, Va," said Bianca, and they finally hugged each other with a burst of crying.