40. Distrubance

The wounds on Binar's body have gradually recovered. The wound on her neck is no longer painful and has healed. Only the scar is still visible faintly on the neck area.

Adnan's original plan was only to stay a few days in Jeju. However, he could not complete the work quickly. Many problems take up time.

"Honey, looks like I'll be home late tonight." Adnan said to Binar, who was sitting in front of his dressing table.

Binar was just silent, thinking about the cafe she had started from scratch. Even though she knows all the developments of her restaurant, she also believes in Ga Eun's ability to manage the cafe.

"What are you thinking about?" Adnan whispered to Binar.

Binar woke up from her daydream because someone whispered to her. She saw Adnan, who was behind her from the reflection of the mirror in front of her.

"Nothing important," Binar replied as she continued what was unfinished.

Adnan hugged Binar from behind, "Don't lie to me or I'll add punishment for you!"