46. Not Expect

"Do not touch me!" Binar said quietly.

Adnan was surprised when Binar said that it was clear from the look in her eyes that she was terrified of him.

"I scared you again," Adnan said regretfully.

Binar could not say anything else, and her body felt frail. And finally, she fell unconscious. Luckily Adnan quickly caught Binar's body, so he didn't fall on the paved road filled with blood.

"You take care of everything!" Adnan ordered Candra, then he walked to the car and entered the vehicle with Binar.

Candra nodded then he ordered all his men to clean up all this mess. After typing that, he got into the car and told the driver to start the car towards the house immediately.

Adnan saw the fear and surprise of the woman he loved. He Adnan doesn't want to show his other side to Binar.

However, his enemies started targeting Binar to destroy him. Adnan gritted his teeth, so annoyed with the enemies who had created their actions.