48. Tactic Part 1

Adnan looked at the back of Binar, who was sleeping. He again remembered the number that called Binar earlier. He began to wonder whether the one who contacted his wife was one of his enemies or Marcello's doing.

However, that was impossible because it was not in Marcello's nature. Binar turned his body so that Adnan could see Binar's sleeping face.

Adnan's hand touched Binar's head and stroked it gently.

"I love you very much, I will not let you get hurt. I will always protect you even if I have to sacrifice my life," said Adnan.

Adnan began to try to close his eyes. Binar opened his eyes, and she was not fast asleep. He listened to Adnan's every word earlier.

In his heart, he said that he would always be there for her. He is trying to forgive everything that has happened and will make him get rid of the evil side that has appeared long ago, even though it will be difficult and takes a long time.

The next day.