52. Pain

It has been three days since Marcello left, and until now, Binar has not managed to get Candra to say where Adnan is.

She had tried everything he could to extract all the information from Candra. However, all that she did was fruitless.

Binar's cell phone rang. She walked closer to the nightstand and took her cellphone. Arganta arranged it on his cellphone screen. He immediately picked it up.

"Hello," said Binar.

Arganta immediately said that he was already on Jeju Island. He asked the address of the house occupied by Binar.

Hearing the news, Binar was very happy, and she said she would send the location to him. After saying that, Binar hung up the phone. She sent the site to Arganta.

Binar can not wait to meet her brother. They had not seen each other for a long time, and her longing for her parents grew even more vital.