97. Who Is Challenging Me

"Just like this, you're scared! You don't deserve to be Adnan's woman. The only one who deserves it!" said a woman who had fired a bullet at Binar with an arrogant tone.

Binar looked at the woman with disapproval and Adnan's attitude, which was only silent with the woman's words that did not suit Binar.

"Who are you?!" asked Binar in a cold tone.

"Me? Adnan don't you want to introduce myself to her?" The woman said to Adnan while glancing at Binar with a look of disapproval.

"She's Ae-Ri," Adnan briefly said as he introduced the woman to Binar.

Binar didn't care about the woman's name because Adnan's very different attitude was what she saw now. Who exactly is this Ae-Ri? Why does he look close to Adnan?

"Am I bothering you?" Binar said while signalling to Adnan.

"No. Can you shoot? Because I know Adnan women should be able to shoot. If you can't just go and leave Adnan!" Ae-Ri added.