113. Sadness and Stubbornness

"Quickly tell me what happened?" Binar continued to ask the doctor.

She couldn't hold back her tears anymore, and she fell to the floor. Why didn't the doctor say what had happened to Adnan?

"Miss, you'd better be able to brace yourself!" said the doctor while trying to tell what had happened

"We've tried our best, now we can only pray." A doctor again on Binar.

Candra looked at the doctor closely to see if what he said was true or not. There were no lies in his eyes, but Candra felt that this was all planned. So Adnan is in critical condition.

"I want to see it!" said Binar. Then she stood up and wiped her tears.

The doctor also invited Binar to see Adnan's condition by ordering a nurse to take her. While Candra was still standing tall, there was something he wanted to discuss with the doctor.

Binar saw Adnan lying on the bed with tools attached to his body. She didn't think that shot would make him like this.