117. Managed to Run

Adnan tried his best to get up from his pushchair. He was standing while holding the balcony wall. He looked under the guards looking for someone.

"What is it?!" Adnan shouted so that he could hear his voice down. 

"Miss Ae-Ri, managed to run." A guard said with fear because Adnan would go crazy if he heard this news.

"Hurry and find him!" Adnan orders them.

All the bodyguards searched every corner of the house but couldn't find Ae-Ri. She seemed to have made it out of this house.

Adnan hit the balcony wall, and he didn't think that the heavily guarded house still managed to escape.

"Calm down, let's go in!" Binar said while holding Adnan's hand.

"I can't calm down. She will definitely launch another attack!" said Adnan with an annoyed tone.

"Come in!" Binar said back and immediately told Adnan to sit in his pushchair.