121. She Begins To Move

"Please help me... because they are the only two I have," Sovia kept begging Adnan to help her.

"Quick tell me what happened?!" said Adnan, who had been asking Sovia for a long time, but she just kept begging.

"My father...," Sovia replied, and her body trembled with worry and fear.

Adnan knew what he had to do. He took his cell phone and called Candra. He told Candra to immediately meet him in the room because he needed it as soon as possible.

It wasn't long before Candra arrived at Adnan's room out of breath. He ran as hard as he could from the guard room to Adnan's room.

"Is there anything I can do?" Candra asked Adnan directly.

"Find out where Mr. Abhimanyu is... he is in danger," Adnan ordered Candra.

Candra took his cellphone and then he called someone who was an IT expert. He told him to track down Mr. Abhimanyu's whereabouts because Candra had installed a tracking device on Mr. Abhimanyu's cell phone.