125. Enjoyment In The Morning Part 1

"Are you challenging me, Binar Chavali?!" Adnan whispered, then brushed Binar's earlobe and then his neck.

Binar was amused by what Adnan did. However, only a smile can show by her.

"You always do that when you whisper to me, honey? Is that your bad habit?" asked Binar as she wrapped her arms around Adnan's neck.

Adnan smiled then his face came closer so that their faces were very close. Binar could feel her husband's breath.

Their lips finally stuck together, and Adnan began to sip Binar's lips and play slowly, gently. However, that's all just the beginning.

His tongue began to stick out to sweep over Binar's lips, and soon Binar opened her mouth so that their two tongues intertwined. The soft play that Binar likes shows that Adnan respects her and enjoys it.

The kiss stopped for a moment. Adnan looked back at Binar. His smile appeared as he asked his wife for permission to proceed to another stage.