135. Exhausting

Binar turned around to see who was talking behind her. Her eyes widened when she saw the person who was standing tall.

"Did I surprise you?" The person asked sarcastically.

"I didn't think you could get in here so easily," said Binar, who had managed to shake off her surprise.

"You think Adnan's super tight security can prevent me from meeting you?" said the person casually as the person walked into the labyrinth.

Binar followed the person, and she wanted to know what she would do for the person to want to meet her.

"Say what you want, Ae-Ri?!" Binar said with a tone of emphasis.

Yes. That person is Ae-Ri. She managed to get into Adnan's house quickly. With the success of Ae-Ri's entry, it indicates that the security in this house is still weak.

Ae-Ri continues to walk into the maze, and she doesn't. She waited for the right time to say what Binar had to say.