144. Relief

Father's hand moved. He tried to open his eyes which still felt heavy. He saw Arganta, who was beside him who was sleeping.

Father tried to raise his hand and then touch Arganta's head weakly. Arganta noticed his father's touch, and he opened his eyes.

"Finally, Daddy woke up too." Arganta said with relief.

Dad just looked at his son and was reminded of what happened at Bianca's house. He was genuinely saddened by what he saw.

Tears came out, and it made Arganta feel even more guilty. Everything that happened was his fault. If he could turn back time, he would have avoided or corrected all of this from the start.

"I'm sorry Father... I'm really sorry." Arganta said while crying.

Hearing Arganta's words made Binar immediately walk closer. She saw that her father had woken up and her brother was crying, regretting what he had done.

"Honey...," Mom said as she walked closer.