185. Looking for Compassion

Binar felt uneasy because Arganta had not yet returned home. She was worried that her brother could not let Bianca go. So her brother decided to go with the woman he loved.

Binar doesn't have a problem with Arganta's relationship with Bianca. She also doesn't care about Bianca's dark life, which often changes partners to have sex because all of that can change.

She has also allowed Bianca to choose whether she will continue to fight with Arganta or not. However, Bianca prefers to leave Arganta, so Binar can't help her anymore.

"Honey, why do you look so restless? Does this have anything to do with Arganta?" Adnan asked Binar, who looked restless.

"Yes. I'm worried about him. I'm afraid if he can't make the right decisions it will cause chaos," said Binar.

"Trust your brother, I'm sure he can decide everything right," said Adnan.

"Why do you believe so much, Arganta?" Investigate Binar.