187. Arganta Wedding

Arganta's wedding day has arrived. Today he will marry the woman of his father's choice. He had given up everything even though it was difficult to remove the image of Bianca from his heart.

"Honey, are you ready?" Adnan asked Binar, who was still sitting at her dressing table.

"Yes. I'm ready," Binar said as she got up and looked at Adnan.

Her typical smile appeared when she saw her husband dressed neatly. Binar saw Adnan very handsome today, and she walked closer to Adnan. She straightened his slightly crooked tie and kissed his lips gently.

"My husband is very handsome," said Binar.

Adnan pulled Binar's waist so that their bodies pressed against each other. He immediately kissed his wife again because he had taken the initiative to kiss him first.

"You're always teasing me, honey. Are you doing it on purpose?" Adnan said after releasing the kiss.