201. The Cursed House Part 3

Again there was the sound of gunshots, and it made Binar surprised. He thought that it was Alan who fired the bullet. However, he was wrong because it was Jae-Hua who fired the gun.

It seemed that Jae-Hua was annoyed because the game was boring and didn't make the four people in front of her budge. She also killed the man who had failed to fulfill her desire to infuriate Adnan.

Binar just smiled, seeing what Jae-Hua did because it marked the woman's second defeat. Now Binar can repay all the gifts her mother-in-law gave her.

"Is this interesting, Sweetheart?" asked Jae-Hua in a gentle tone but filled with hatred and annoyance.

"Interesting. You've lost to me for the second time," said Binar in an even tone.

"Hahaha ... Interesting. You found an interesting woman, Adnan." Jae-Hua said while chuckling and tidying up her messy clothes.