212. You're Dying With Me

"Don't say that, Ga Eun! Screamed Binar because she could hear what her best friend was saying.

"Binar, I'm glad to meet you. I don't regret if all of this is my end," continued Ga Eun.

"Stop breaking the rope Ga Eun! I won't let you die!" said Binar as she continued to pull the rope.

The man felt happy and laughed loudly at this sad drama. He again splashed the liquor on the wound on Binar's waist because he wanted to see how far this woman could survive from the pain and hold the two bodies of her friends who were hanging below.

Slowly dragging Binar's body back down, she tried with all her might to pull the rope back and her body. At the same time, she continued to tell Ga Eun to stop her actions which were severing the cord that tied the body of Ga Eun.

A gunshot and footsteps were approaching towards Binar. The man turned his body while waiting for the person who had killed all his men outside.