220. Childish

When Adnan and Candra were fighting with Alan in the living room, Binar was still sitting with Ga Eun and Sonia. She was still trying to find out about Sonia.

"Why did you refuse the last wish, Sovia?" Investigate Binar.

"I don't like all her plans! What does she think I am? To give the man she loves and loves for me. What does she think of me?" Sonia grumbled.

"This is the reason! Why Sovia asks you to marry Alan. Since you are different from other women, she wants her sister and lover to be happy after she is gone." It was clear to Binar to Sonia, who still couldn't accept Sovia's wish.

"What Binar said was right. Sovia wants the best for you and Alan as well. This is her last wish and you owed Sovia something, didn't you?" continued Ga Eun.