231. School Hostage Part 1

Again, gunshots heard that directed upwards; it was a sign that they wanted the attention of everyone on the school grounds. They look terrifying; maybe they are petty criminals running away from the police.

"Quickly gather them all!" ordered a man in yellow.

All his men ordered the people to gather at one point. Not a single person escaped their surveillance, including Alan, Sonia, and Dae-Ho.

Sonia holds Dae-Ho tightly, feeling that now is not the time to fight them. Since the lives of the people and Dae-Ho are more critical, if there weren't any hostages, she might be able to fight them all.

Alan kept an eye on everyone who was holding a gun. He was about to take the cell phone in his pocket and call Adnan or Candra to send a bodyguard.

"Just call him!" someone said from behind while pointing his gun at Alan.