233. You're The Past Part 1

Two days after the hostage incident, things have calmed down again. Dae-Ho also feels calm and can go back to school. Alan and Sonia's condition had improved, so Alan decided to return to work at the hospital.

"Honey, you are very beautiful," Adnan said to Binar.

"I've always been beautiful," Binar answered as she tidied up a bit of an untidy dress.

Adnan smiled. He felt that his wife was smart enough to praise herself. And there's no shame in the slightest after saying that.

There was a knock on the door, Adnan immediately told him to come in. The bedroom door opened slowly, Dae-Ho saw then he walked into the room.

"Miss, are you leaving tonight?" Dae-Ho asked Binar.

"Yes, I will go with my husband," Binar replied while gently stroking the child's head.

Dae-Ho felt terrible, so he asked the lady not to go. Likewise, he asked Adnan not to go tonight.