246. Give Me a Chance

"Why are you apologizing? Didn't you do anything wrong?" Nadira asked in a cold tone.

Arganta looked back at Nadira, and he knew that the woman in front of him was angry with him. However, he had to know what the problem was.

"Then I want to ask, why did you just leave?" asked Arganta.

Nadira was silent, and she could only stare at her husband's face. There was still resentment in her heart, and she still couldn't forget what she saw and heard.

She wanted to hit the guy and kick him so he wouldn't do things that hurt her. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down so it would provoke her again. 

"Do you want to separate from me, Arganta?" asked Nadira, which made Arganta surprised.

Arganta didn't think that Nadira would say that. He was getting more curious about what happened, so the woman who had become his wife said this. Is marriage to him just a game?

"What did you say huh?" Arganta asked in a slightly raised tone.