255. Pursuit

Binar continues to chase the car carrying the mysterious woman. She told the driver to drive her car at high speed.

"Hurry up and chase! Don't let us lose them," Binar orders the driver.

The driver immediately started the car at high speed. He didn't want to disappoint her by losing the person he wanted.

The bullet hit the bumper of the car that Binar was traveling in. She didn't think that behind her was an enemy car.

However, the car that Binar was traveling in had no problem with firing it because Adnan had ordered Candra to modify the vehicle so that it was bulletproof.

"Miss, it looks like they are targeting us too," said a bodyguard to Binar.

Binar thought for a moment, and she didn't care about the person behind her. The main target was the woman they had taken by force.

"Where's the escort car that's been following me all this time?" Binar asked a guard sitting beside the driver.