258. The traitor Part 3

"We have to save her," Binar said to Adnan and the others.

"Candra, find out where it is!" Adnan orders Candra.

Candra nodded. He took his cellphone and spoke to someone on the other side of the phone. He says everything and asks him to give news as soon as possible.

"Let's go back to the house first. Take them both to the hospital," Binar suggested to everyone.

Sonia brought the car, so she came back with Alan. The vehicle used by Binar took the driver and bodyguard who were injured.

"Ga Eun, wait! Let Candra ride the motorbike with you!" Binar orders Ga Eun and Candra automatically has to obey him.

"No need. I only brought one helmet," replied Ga Eun.

Binar blocked Ga Eun, and she ordered one of the bodyguards who came along with Adnan to take a helmet in her car because Binar always kept one helmet in the car that she always used.