281. Go Looking for Information

Binar has returned home, Adnan chooses to treat Binar's wound. She entrusted everything to Alan.

"Honey, how about your wound?" Adnan asked Binar, who was sitting while reading his unfinished book.

"Alan, said my wound has improved," said Binar while continuing to read her book.

Adnan sat beside Binar. He opened his netbook and started doing all the work. Right now, all he wanted was to accompany his wife to get rid of Binar's boredom, who was not allowed to leave the house at all.

"Honey, do you know what is Seo-Yun's golden card?" Binar asked Adnan.

"Not yet. I haven't been able to find her, she's so tightly closed all the gaps," Adnan answered by thinking what Seo-Yun's key to forcing him to let go of Binar was.

"What would you do if she really has something precious to you. And she wants you to leave me?" Binar asked Adnan.