295. Stopping Everything

Day by day, Binar still doesn't get tired of looking for Adnan, even though everyone has said her husband can't come back anymore. However, Binar believes in her heart, believing that Adnan is still alive.

Yong-Rae, who found out about Adnan's death, was silent. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad. He always saw the woman who always said that his father's wife was always gloomy. And also always goes to find his father's whereabouts.

"Yong-Rae, come with me… let's play," Dae-Ho said to Yong-Rae.

Dae-Ho did all of this on purpose to help Binar. At least he eased the lady's burden to make Yong-Rae be nice and teach him how to love Binar.

Currently, Binar is still in her room, and she intends to return to explore the waters in Jeju. No one can stop her from doing all that because she has made several agreements with Alan, Candra, Ga, and Sonia.