304. I'm Back

Seven years have passed quickly, and Binar can live in peace to take care of the company and their three children. No one attacked him, be it Jae-Hua or any other enemy. 

She also thinks that her husband is still alive and is still somewhere. Binar doesn't care what other people say. However, she was always talked about by others about her madness.

"This quiet day will end, it seems I have to start preparing everything," Binar said as she got up and walked into the bathroom.

Binar does a routine of cleaning herself so that her body feels fresh. She looks refreshed after finishing all her cleaning routines. She stepped out and walked into the dressing room.

She touched Adnan's clothes which were still neatly arranged in the cupboard. Smelling the scent that still lingers on Adnan's clothes can slightly relieve her longing for the man she loves.