311. Box Discovery

"Madam, are you serious about taking children to Jeju island?" Candra asked Binar to reassure himself.

He was afraid that the safety of the children was in danger. Candra didn't want anything to happen to the three of them, especially Binar, who was the spearhead of Raymond's company. If anything happened to them, then he felt guilty and useless.

"I'm sure. That's why you prepare everything and must tighten the care for the children," said Binar to Candra to reassure her. 

Candra nodded. He could no longer refuse the wishes and orders of the madam. However, Candra hoped all his bad thoughts would never happen. He will tighten the guard against Binar and the children.

"You take Ga Eun too," Binar said to Candra before the man closed the reading room door.

"Very well, madam."