321. What Is You

"Uncle, why are you giving our Mother trouble?" asked Annar to Marcello. 

"Before your mother accepts me as her husband, I will continue to be near her. So learn to accept me as your father," Marcello replied to Annar. 

"Forever, our father is Adnan Raymond, and you are only the adopted son of our father. And you also don't need to remind me that I am also an adopted son," said Dae-Ho in a cold tone. 

Binar invites her children to leave Marcello because there is no point in talking to a man who doesn't understand the current situation. And a man who can't go on with her life to find her true love. 

Because for Binar, Marcello is only the past, while Adnan is the present until she dies. Binar will never lose Adnan Raymond in her heart or replace her with another man's name.