323. Little Box

"Annar... let go of your brother!" ordered Binar, who saw her daughter's behavior.

Annar immediately let go of Dae-Ho because she heard her mother's words with a pressing tone. She looked at Binar's face, and there was fear in her eyes because she saw her mother, who looked serious. 

Binar immediately walked closer to Annar with a serious look even though she wanted to laugh in her heart when she saw the daughter's face look scared because she was angry. 

Dae-Ho and Yong-Rae looked at Binar like she was about to get angry. They were both ready to protect his sister. Even though the younger sister likes to give them trouble, if the mother wants to scold him, the two of them will be ready to become shields. 

"You two hang in there," Binar orders Dae-Ho and Yong-Rae. 

However, Binar's orders did not stop them from moving closer to Annar. They become shields for the younger sister, who wants to be scolded by his mother.