332. Where Is My Mom

Annar's mother had not seen her mother since morning, and she felt something strange about the attitude of the servants and guards in the house. She tried to find out where her mother was, but she couldn't find her.

"Do you know where Mom is?" Annar asked Yong-Rae, who was busy with his netbook.

"No. You ask Dae-Ho who knows where mom is," Yong-Rae replied without looking at Annar.

Annar left Yong-Rae's room and headed for Dae-Ho's room. She wanted to know if this older brother knew where her mother was.

She knocked on Dae-Ho's door and heard her brother's voice telling her to come in. Annar opened the door and walked into her brother's room.

Dae-Ho saw the younger brother who entered, and he felt that the younger sister was confused. He saw his sister, who immediately sat on the bed.

"What is it?" Dae-Ho asked Annar.

"You know where mom is? I've been looking for her since this morning and couldn't find her," said Annar.