334. Tracking Device

Dae-Ho went back to what he had thought about the tracking device. After he was sure, he explained to Yong-Rae, who was impatiently waiting for the results of his thoughts on the tracking device.

He also explained to Yong-Rae what he had been thinking about earlier. Hearing what Dae-Ho said made the man shake his head at how smart and meticulous the child in front of him was.

"If mom notices and touches the device, we can find out where it is. What if none of that happened?" Yong-Rae asked.

What Yong-Rae said was true, but now everything depended on the mother and God. Dae-Ho only hopes that his mother notices it and activates it immediately.

The three of them finally talked about all the things that would happen. The conversation was wide with what they had created.

A combat tool suitable for their age and Annar's. Neither Dae-Ho nor Yong-Rae tries to protect the younger sister by inventing a protective gear.