351. Better To Die Together

"I'm annoying? Are you sure? I think you really love me," said the masked man in a teasing tone.

Binar could not understand what the man had said. In times of crisis like this, she still spoke in a seductive tone.

The masked man still said teasingly to Binar, and he felt happy by teasing the woman in his arms. He didn't care about the enemies that had surrounded him.

Not long after Binar smiled faintly, she saw some of her guards starting to surround the enemies. She also felt calm in this situation, so she came up with an idea to reply to the masked man's words.

"Looks like you can't let go of me? What if you marry me?" Binar said as she pressed her body against the masked man.

Binar said seductive words to the masked man. She wanted to know how the man would react if she became an aggressive woman.