
"Hey, where are you?" His breathing sounded rushed and tired. They must have already started the game, and I wasn't there to cheer him on. "I've been calling for the last thirty minutes."

"I'm so, so sorry. Something came up, and I had lost track of time." I told him, half-honest. His feelings for Ben were clear, and I didn't want us to get into another argument over this issue. "It's fine. I'll see you when I get home." That was unexpected. He would've usually been mad, or at the very least-upset but he just hung up. "Ok..."

"Ben, we should really go. It's getting late." I came after him on the same route that I saw him take, or I think he had taken. I got distracted by the call. "Ben? Where are you?"

"I'm here!" I look around to see him peeking out of a classroom. "You're not gonna believe what I found."

"We should really go. It's getting late." I warned. "It's only twenty minutes past seven. Why? Did your baby daddy call?" I started walking towards him.

"Don't call him that, and yes, he did call. I forgot that I had made plans with him." I elaborated. "Well, five more minutes won't hurt." He wrapped his hands over my shoulder, leading me into the room. "I have something else to show you."

"Again?" I asked, playfully rolling my eyes. "It was the first week after summer." He was bringing me the class's back wall, which had many papers plastered onto it.

"What?" I asked, completely unaware. "You seriously have a bad memory."

"No, I don't. I can't possibly remember every second of my high school nightmare." I said, brushing his hands off of me. "Fine. It was when that rich friend stealer appeared in class, and at first sight, you fell from your chair."

I laughed, "I remember. But what's so special about that?" He sat into his old chair, or at the chair, that's in the same position that he used to sit. "Let's see... How about the fact that the condoms that we found in the boy's locker room scattered from your bag, all over the floor, and we were both high, so we couldn't stop laughing."

"Holy hell! I can't believe I forgot that. I was so embarrassed. Even the teacher got mad."

"Embarrassed that you high flirted or that you high couldn't stop laughing."

"Stop saying high. I would give anything to be high right now. It was such a weird feeling." He laughed. "How are you allowed to say that word, but you told me not to?"

"You said it two times in one sentence."

"Fine. But instead, I would give anything; to go back to that year." He sighed. "We had no responsibilities. Just go to school, homework, then parties, and sex."

"You make the sex sound so regular. I couldn't even sleep because of your loud moanings and the endless guys coming in and out." I sat in my old seat. "I guess an apology is long overdue?"

"You think?" We laughed. "I'm sorry that you didn't want to get laid. Ok?"

"Fuck you," I said playfully. " and I did get laid. A lot."

"Shit. Tell me; when, where, who?" He inquired while leaning closer. "That's none of your business. And the five minutes are already over."

"Ugh, fine. I remember when you were more fun. Now all you want to do is be around your man. So lame." He scoffed, rising from his seat. "Maybe when you stop hooking up with different people each night and finally settle for one. You will finally know how I feel."

"Low blow! I do not just hook up." He was already at the front of the classroom before I could even fully stand. "Oh, yea?"

"I, uh, also have dinner." His voice was proud with hints of lies. "Ah, dinner. And are they proper?"

"Y-stop interrogating me!" He said, nudging me into the wall as he moved forward. "I'm not! I'm just simply asking friendly questions that a friend should know."

"Well, be a friend that doesn't ask questions." I forced my legs to catch up to him and whispered into his ear as I walked past him, "Foreplay."

"Oh, shut up!" I pushed the door open and exited the school, "You know I'm right. I can see it on your face."