Prologue :

'Y-You d-did....WHAT!?' She cried in shocked disbelief as she stared at him with wide eyes.

(How could this have happened? How had she'd not known?) None of this made much sense to her, and the fact that he's just standing there looking at her with such cold, unfeeling eyes only caused her frazzled nerves to grow.

'Answer me!' She whispered, pleadingly.

He shook his head refusing to give her even this small thing, and she just couldn't understand how he could be this unemotional after what she'd found out. She continued to stare at him and finally he spoke in a cold, hard tone. 'I did it for you, Jaylee.'

She blinked a few times trying to register what Jacob had just said to her then she shook her head. 'How can you say that?'

'Because it's the truth.' He stated his tone matter-of-fact. 'Would you rather have him succeed in his sick plan?'

Jaylee struggled to wrap her mind around this revelation but just couldn't get her brain to believe it. 'But...Jace? Why...her?'

Jacob took a step towards Jaylee and she instinctively stepped back until he grabbed her upper arm in a bruising grip and he snarled. 'Do you not know how she'd been blackmailing me, Jaylee? She knew, and threatened to...' He shook his head again refusing to finish.

Jaylee looked up into his harshly darkened facial features and realized that he'd actually been protecting her though he'd not done it in the best of ways as far as she could think. Staring into his eyes, she didn't resist as he pulled her to him and brought his lips crashing possessively down onto hers...