The soup

"There's only one." She bit down on her lip and Amber shook his head, trying to pull it off but Arveion placed his hand on her head.

"Keep it." He told her, blankly,"I'll be okay."

"No! You—"

"It's okay." He told her again and she sighed, a tear running down her face when she untied his shirt and gave it to him. 

"Promise me you'll come back." She asked him and cried when he didn't answer,"Promise me Arveion!" 

"I promise." He raised her hand and kissed it,"I'll come back." 

"I—" Before she could say anything she got pulled away by Eadith. She looked over her shoulder one last time and saw Arveion standing still with his shirt held loosely in his hands before she lost him to the smoke.

She bit down on her lip, 'You better come back.' 

Eadith continued to strut through the smoke and the long distance onky added to Amber's worry. If they're not even out yet, how would Arveion make it with only a shirt?